Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing that’s effective for your business.
Digital Marketing campaigns at Nicknack deliver against 3 basic principles.
CUSTOMISED to your specific type of business: B2B or B2C. Professional services or trades. Corporate or retail.
OPTIMISED to be effective in terms of reaching your intended audience, and setting up analytics for accurate reporting.
MAXIMISED for creative impact using your brand assets and messaging.
Listed below are the four basic stages that you can expect us to follow for your digital marketing campaign. Of course, the number of steps within each stage may vary depending on the size and complexity of your campaign.
STAGE 1/ Brand & Business Discovery
A. Desktop Research – Assessment of your competitors and industry leaders for an understanding of how best to position your business.
B. Audit — Audit of your current digital activity
• Google Analytics
• Google Ads
• Facebook (Ads manager, Pixel, Catalog etc)
• Recommendations/projections to be tabled at the stakeholder workshop
C. Stakeholder Workshop – Meeting with your team members to ensure that everyone is on the same page in terms of how the campaign needs to work, what it needs to deliver, and also what it needs to say.
STAGE 2/ Creative Development
Here we start to develop the design and messaging for your campaign based on the workshop outcomes, allowing for any feedback from your team.
STAGE 3/ Campaign Setup
This basically covers three components.
• Conversion Tracking Review/Fixes: Reviewing the performance and setup of your channels to date
• Campaign Design Google & Facebook: Plan the structure of campaigns, audiences to target, and how all campaign logistics and settings will work. We also plan what creative will be used and the accompanying messaging.
• Campaign Setup: Making sure that all settings are optimised and calibrated to get the results you need.
STAGE 4/ Ongoing Management
This consists of a series of monitoring activities.
• Daily KPI checks
• Optimisation towards your goal
• Testing at various levels: keywords, ad, ad set, landing page etc
• Bid & Budget Management
• Monthly Reporting & Recommendations
Complete control and clarity. That’s what you can expect throughout the process. Your feedback is sought and implemented at every stage ensuring that the campaign is structured to your needs and exceeds your expectations.The solutions we provide are based on your budget so you can be sure they are achievable. Any extras or additions will always be clarified at the outset and will only proceed based on your approval.
STAGE 1/ Brand & Business Discovery
This is an opportunity for us to demonstrate our understanding of your business, the goals you’re looking to achieve, and the role the campaign needs to play. It’s also an opportunity for you and your team to clarify any issues so we are all clear on how best to develop the campaign.
STAGE 2/ Creative Development
Our design vision comes to life along with imagery and messaging. You can suggest changes to imagery and text to ensure the end-customer has complete clarity about your product or service.
STAGE 3/ Campaign Setup
Your team can review exactly how the campaign has been setup and advise if anything needs to be tweaked.
STAGE 4/ Ongoing Management
You are kept informed of campaign performance on a regular basis and have freedom to make revisions as needed.